Our Team


Building a company is like planting seeds. You water them every
day. As they sprout, you fertilize the soil. You make sure that as they grow
into becoming plants, they get enough balance of sun and water. As
a traditional method, you touch the leaves and the stem because you
believe that plants, just like humans, do have life. They feel. At a certain
time, you will just find out that your seeds have turned into plants, others,
into trees bearing fruits, in the dream garden that you have worked
hard for.
Our company is guided by this formula which We have learned after
40 years of experience in the catering service industry. We bring people in with the expectation of
a mutual contribution. We train them. We develop them. And once they are developed, we never
cease overseeing their work ethics and standards. Like trees that need water and sunshine every day
to produce quality, fresh fruits, we consistently aim for QUALITY through continued close monitoring
and adequate training.
In the middle of vast and stiff competition, businesses are judged by the quality of products and
services. Strongly we believe, our QUALITY depends largely on our people. Like seeds, we invest to
make them grow into plants and trees. Once they begin bearing fruits, we continue nurturing them
with EQUAL opportunity for growth and development.
ALIFUN HOTEL & CATERING LIMITED continues to diversify and innovate. But amidst the growth,
we use the same formula in securing our businesses. Investing in our peopl